


Reducing your energy costs is a difficult challenge faced by many industries in today’s economy. But, it doesn’t have to be

Undetected air or steam leaks, bearing failures and electrical panel faults cost you real money. However, there’s a way to cut these extra expenses from your energy bill.

Preserve the health of your assets with the SDT200 ultrasound detector. Hear air leaks, trend and monitor the condition of your bearings, safely inspect electrical panels and schedule repairs on your own terms, long before they shut you down – all with ultrasound technology.

ATEX Certified

The SDT200 meets the requirements set by ATEX for use in the most dangerous and potentially explosive atmospheres in the world. For the first time, ultrasound inspectors working in intrinsically safe-rated zones now have access to the unique and advanced features of the SDT200.


Consultation With SDT:

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To Talk About Ultrasound


Use your SDT270 ultrasound solution for a number of applications in your plant:


Mechanical Condition Monitoring

Identify early-stage bearing defects to prevent unplanned failures.

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Bearing Lubrication Monitoring

The right amount of lubricant at the right interval

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Compressed Air & Gas Leak Detection

Find Air Leaks. Decrease Energy Consumption. Maximize Uptime.

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Electrical Equipment Fault Detection

Safely Inspect Electrical Systems with Ultrasound.

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Steam Trap Testing and Maintenance

Keep Your Steam Clean, Safe And Energy-Efficient.

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Valve Condition Monitoring

When your valves are closed, are they really closed?

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Tightness Testing

Ultrasonic tightness testing offers a complete, global solution with unheard-of accuracy and reliability.


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SDT200 Brochure

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SDT200 Manual

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SDT200 Pictures

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SDT200 Software

Tech Specs

Product Video

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Then please get in touch and we'll be glad to help.

T: +966 13 896 9012 | E: [email protected] 

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