Ultrasound Solutions

Product Range

A Revolution in Ultrasound Solutions

SDT Products

Eight Ultrasound Application Pillars define the usefulness of Ultrasound Testing

Ultrasound Testing (UT) is a core element within the Asset Condition Management (ACM) domain of the Uptime Elements™. The advantages to successfully deploy UT are highlighted by its versatility, its short competency curve, and its fast return on investment.

Find below all SDT Products and their potential to reach world-class asset reliability.

Ultrasound Attributes

Bearing Condition Monitoring
Leak Detection
Electrical Inspection
Valve Condition Monitoring
Asset Condition Monitoring
Marine Applications
Tightness Testing

Why Chose Us?

Beyond The Single Decibel

Condition indicators (4CI) characterize the health and performance of a machine and provide more insight as to what has changed.

Before 4CI, ultrasound inspectors trended ultrasound data based on a single, static measurement taken at an arbitrary point in time. Capture the measurement at the wrong time and the defect was either missed or amplified beyond reality. 4CI allows inspectors to set the acquisition time prior to capturing the measurement. The result is a more representative and accurate collection of data.

Building Blocks Concept
Sound Support

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