Upcoming Trainings

12 - 16 Mar 2023, Vibration Analysis CAT III - ISO 18436-2, Training & Certification, Session 1 \ 5 days
Mar 12-16, 2023
20 Seats
This five-day course, with an additional day for review and the exam, is intended for people who are confident with spectrum analysis but who wish to push on and learn more about signal processing; time waveform and phase analysis; cross-channel testing; machine dynamics; fault correction; and more. If you wish to truly master vibration analysis and be able to run a successful condition monitoring team, then you are ready for this course. An optional certification examination is available on the last day and can be purchased separately. The candidate must be currently ISO Category II certified and have at least 36 months of verifiable experience in vibration data collection and analysis to become Category III certified.

7 - 11 May 2022,Vibration Analysis CAT I - ISO 18436-2 Training & Certification Session 2 \ 5 days
May 7 - 11, 2023
Al Khobar
20 Seats
The Category-II course spans four days with an additional half day for review and the exam. It is intended for people who have mastered the basics but who need to be able to take good data (and decide how the data collector should be set up), analyze a range of fault conditions, and understand balancing and alignment. We teach you to test machines correctly, how to diagnose faults accurately, perform additional diagnostic tests for verification, how to set vibration alarm limits, and how to correct certain types of faults. You will learn what your analyzer settings mean so that you can take the best measurements. And you will learn why the vibration signatures change the way they do and how to use time waveform analysis and phase analysis to verify the fault condition.
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Then please get in touch and we'll be glad to help.